Ihre Vorteile

  • For 1/4" to 3/8" (6 to 10 mm) Thick Tempered Glass
  • Glass Fabrication Required
  • Available in Three Distinct Geometrical Shapes
  • Stocked in Six Popular Finishes
These solid brass constructed CRL Thru-Glass Shelf Clamps can be used to secure lightweight articles, such as shampoo bottles. Clamp requires a 1/2" (12 mm) hole in the glass. Nylon tip brass set screws are used to support the glass.

NOTE: Maximum 5" (127 mm) glass protrusion from the mounting surface ... 

CRL Thru-Glass Square Cornered Shelf Clamps

  • Versand mit UPS-Paketdienst

    Deutschland: Pauschale für Verpackung und Versand 9,95 EUR
    Österreich: Ab 500 EUR Warenwert versandkostenfrei
    Schweiz: Versandkosten nach Aufwand

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