CRL Display and Shelving Hardware
CRL Glass Clamps
CRL Standoff Systems
CRL Glass Connectors
CRL Showcase Door Hinges
CRL Showcase Accessories
CRL Shelf Hardware
CRL Swivel Fittings
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25' (7.6 m)
.055" (1.40 mm)
.057" (1.45 mm)
.063" (1.6 mm)
.080" (2.03 mm)
.091" (2.31 mm)
.093" (2.36 mm)
.095 (2.41 mm)
.095" (2.41 mm)
.102" (2.6 mm)
1.6 mm
10 mm
12 mm
12 mm
3 mm
5 mm
6 mm
9/16" (14 mm)
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