Your Advantages

  • Lightweight and High Strength ABS Plastic
  • 96" (2.44 m) Stock Lengths
  • 15 Per Case
This CRL Plastic Reflective Outside Corner is designed to cover rough cut or uneven edges when mirrors are joined together. These high quality Reflective Outside Corners will finish off 90° outside corner joints in mirror installations. Easy-to-install, the Plastic Mirror Trim can be cut with a utility knife for an exact ... 
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Length2,4 m
Thickness.035" (.89 mm)
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Material: Natural ABS
Thickness: .035 (.889 mm)
Stock Length: 96" (2.44 m)
Typical Use: Designed to hide uneven or rough cut edges.

CRL Plastic Reflective Outside Corner

Cat. No.
Shipping Information:
  • Can Ship UPS

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